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Time in Dhaka - 2:45:39 PM - Saturday, March 29, 2025

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Course Outline

Course Outline 

                                                         Semester: Summer-2014
                                                 Course Code: ACC 3301

   Course Title: Taxation
  Department of Business Administration
     Northern University Bangladesh

Dear Students,
Welcome to the new course, “Taxation”. You are at the end of BBA program in NUB. All of you have some talents and you are to discover yourself. I hope you will try your best to be succeeded in your life with NUB. I hope this new course will give you more interest and pleasure. Thanks to all for taking

  1. Introduction to taxation
Meaning, Nature, characteristics, canon of taxation,  classification of taxation, role of tax, tax system in Bangladesh, historical background, impact of taxation, Income tax ordinance-1984, income, revenue, assessee, residential status, income tax authorities, Income year, tax year, tax rate, TIN, payment of tax before assessment, heads of income etc.
  1. Income from salary
Salary, element of salary, provident fund, salary head, problem, tax rebate, tax credit income, solutions etc.
  1. Income from securities
Interest on securities, basis of taxation, deduction of tax at source, grossing up of interest, Bond washing, etc.
  1. Income from house property
Introduction, condition of assessment, allowable expenses, non-allowable expenses, house property exempted from tax, aids to perception etc.
  1. Income from agriculture
Introduction, definition of agricultural income, partly agricultural income, partly business income, rate of depreciation, etc.
  1. Income from business and profession
Meaning, definition of business and profession, allowable deductions, non-allowable expenses, methods of keeping accounts, definition of depreciation, condition of fulfillment, basis of charging depreciation etc.
  1. Income from capital gain & other sources.
Introduction, definition of capital gain, conditions to be taxable, tax rate, capital loss etc.
  1. Value added tax & other taxes
Value added tax, gift tax, assessment of individuals, assessment of partnership etc.

Suggested Reading:                                                                                                                                                  
1.      Dr. Manjur Morshed Mahmud & Others, Taxation in Bangladesh-Theory and Practice, Padma Prokashoni, 11th Edition.
2.      GOB ( Govt. of Bangladesh),  Income Tax Manual, Part 1& 2- Income Tax Ordinance, 1984.
3.      ICAB, Study Manual on Taxation.

Out of total 24 classes, 12 classes will be held before Mid Term and 12 classes will be held after Mid Term.
You are to communicate with CR for any additional information.
Last class will be regarded as a “Farewell Class”.

Other Instructions

►Marks Distribution◄
Class Test/Tutorial                              10 Marks
Class attendance                                 05 Marks
Class Assignment & Performance        05 Marks
Mid Term Exam                                  30 Marks
Final Exam                                          50 Marks

                                         Total        100 Marks

♫ About Class Test:                                                                                                                                                 
            ♥ Total two (2) class tests will be taken in this semester
            ♥ If time is short only one class tests will be taken in this semester
            ♥ Each class test will bear 10 marks.
            ♥ Average of the class tests will be counted.
            ♥ Class tests will be held at class time in the class room.

♫ About Class Assignment and class performance:                                                                                                
            ♥ At least two assignments will be taken.
            ♥ If time is short only one assignment will be taken.
            ♥ Assignments must be submitted in own handwriting.
            ♥ If assignment is submitted after deadline his/her marks will be deducted.
            ♥ Assignments are to be submitted through CR.

 ♫ About Mid Term & Final Exam:                                                                                                                          
            ♥ 20 Marks for Quiz test both in Mid Term and in Final exam.
            ♥ First 15 minutes for Quiz test and you are to return it to invigilator.
            ♥ Without Admit Card no one is allowed to take part in the exam.
            ♥ Mobile, bags etc. are strictly prohibited to bring in the exam hall.
            ♥ If any copying or any illegal activities are found, he/she may be expelled
                by the Invigilator/course teacher.   

Course instructor:
Rashel Sheikh, Senior Lecturer of Accounting,
Department of Business Administration, NUB, Khulna.
Mobile # 01919-890193    e-mail: rashelsheikh@yahoo.com
Face book: Rashel Sheikh

“Purity in work and trying for better is the power of true success.”- R. Sheikh.


SRO abbreviations in Bangladesh to mean Statutory Regulatory Order issued by NBR or any organizations who are empowered to frame their own rules or law or sub-law. I got the following from internet that explains better:

A Statutory Regulatory Order (SRO) is a subordinate legislation, which is a collective term for statutory rules, regulations, ordinances, by-laws, and notifications which bear a unique identification number provided by the Ministry of Law and Parliamentary Affairs after vetting. It is made by the persons or bodies to whom Parliament has delegated some of its law-making powers. Ordinarily Government, ministries or superior courts are authorized to make rules. Municipal Corporations and other like bodies are often authorized to make bye-laws to regulate their own proceedings and other matters within their regulatory powers. Other statutory corporations and subordinate authorities are empowered to make regulations to regulate their internal affairs. Therefore the SRO’s containing rules, regulations and some-times licensing information. Some time the rules provide ground for the regulatory agencies to circulate licensing procedures and forms without taking any vetting from the Ministry of Law and Parliamentary Affairs. These are also under the purview of the parent laws and are repealed when the parent act is repealed.

Hope above helps